Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings (Page 13)

Trauma-Informed Care in Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Trauma-informed care within addiction treatment necessitates the establishment of a secure environment where individuals grappling with trauma and its associated stressors can embark on a journey of healing under the guidance of specialized ...
Understanding the Link Between ADHD and Substance Abuse
What is ADHD? ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADHD affects people of all ages, but it is most commonly diagnosed in childhood. Individuals with ADHD have a hard time focusing ...
Preventing Teen Substance Abuse
Substance abuse has become a global phenomenon that has firmly entrenched itself into the social fabric, particularly affecting teenagers.  Read on to go deeper into the harmful consequences of teenage substance abuse, with an emphasis on preventing ...
The Impact of Childhood Bullying on Substance Abuse and Recovery
Childhood is mainly depicted as a time of carefree joy, but for many, bullying has made it a period of pain and fear.  Not only does this early trauma stay with the individual into adulthood, but it often manifests as drug and alcohol addiction.  ...
Exploring Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Addiction Treatment
Addiction is an extremely complex disease that affects millions of people. While there are numerous types of treatment modules out there, dialectical behavior therapy, also known as DBT, is one treatment approach that has garnered a great deal of ...
Coping with Loneliness in Early Recovery
In the initial stages of addiction recovery, loneliness can be a fierce opponent. Nonetheless, it is a battle that can be won if the skills for handling it are sufficient.  At Southern Sky Recovery, we know how hard loneliness can be during this ...
Building a Strong Foundation for Recovery
Addiction recovery is filled with many ups and downs. Just because you overcame addiction doesn’t mean your sobriety journey won’t be filled with challenges. Fortunately, there are several ways you can build a strong foundation for recovery to ...
The Role of Pharmacotherapy in Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction is a complex disease often misunderstood and stigmatized. But amidst this darkness, there's hope: pharmacotherapy.  Keep reading to learn about the role of pharmacotherapy in alcohol addiction treatment and how it contributes to ...
How Real Estate Education Shapes a Successful Agent
Discover the crucial role of real estate education in shaping a successful agent. Real estate education plays a crucial role in shaping a successful agent. In today's competitive market, it is no longer sufficient to rely solely on experience or ...
Roof Repair Solutions for Lasting Home Protection
As a homeowner, you know the importance of a sturdy and well-maintained roof. It not only protects your home from the elements but also ensures the safety and comfort of your family. However, over time, wear and tear can take a toll on your roof, ...
Essential Roof Inspection Checklist for Homeowners
Regular roof inspections are a crucial aspect of home maintenance that homeowners should prioritize. By conducting thorough inspections, you can identify potential issues early on and ensure the longevity and safety of your home. This comprehensive ...
Boost Property Value After Roof Replacement
When it comes to property value, every homeowner wants to maximize their investment. One often overlooked factor that can significantly impact property value is the condition of the roof. A well-maintained roof not only enhances the overall aesthetic ...
Boost Home Value with the Best Roof Options
When it comes to increasing the value of your home, one essential aspect that often gets overlooked is the roof. A well-maintained and visually appealing roof can significantly impact not only the overall curb appeal but also the market worth of your ...
Troubleshooting Smart Appliances: Navigating the Future of Home Tech
As smart appliances continue to revolutionize our homes, ensuring their seamless operation is critical to reaping the benefits of cutting-edge technology. This comprehensive guide delves into troubleshooting smart appliances, empowering homeowners to ...
8 Ways to Improve Elderly Care with a Health Science Degree
As the global population ages, the demand for specialized elderly care continues to grow. This demographic shift underscores the need for caregivers equipped with the right skills and knowledge to provide high-quality care. A health science degree ...
Discover the Convenience of Day Use Hotels in London
London, a city that never sleeps, offers endless opportunities for exploration, entertainment, and relaxation. Whether you're a local looking for a quick escape or a traveler with a long layover, day use hotels in London provide a convenient and ...
How to Avoid Being Taken Advantage of in a Personal Injury Case
In the immediate aftermath of an accident, trying to work through a personal injury case can feel overwhelming. As you seek compensation, you may find yourself up against experienced insurers and attorneys, which makes it even easier to be taken ...
Tips for Getting Criminal Charges Dismissed
Just because you're facing criminal charges doesn’t necessarily mean you will be convicted. There are legal strategies and procedural tactics that can be employed to get your case dismissed. Understanding these avenues and how to effectively ...
Selling Your Home: The Ultimate Checklist
Unless you're a seasoned pro or a robot, selling a home is typically a daunting task! It's a significant undertaking that involves multiple steps, from preparing your property for the market to closing the deal, and the journey from start to finish ...
Strategies for Managing Addiction in Elderly Loved Ones
Addiction in the elderly is a growing problem. Families often struggle to identify and properly address it. As our loved ones age, they confront issues of isolation, chronic pain, and more frequent prescription medication use. Their risks of ...
Digital Tools Transforming Home Sales
The digital age has revolutionized the way we live, work, and even how we buy or sell homes. The traditional process of home buying and selling, once heavily reliant on face-to-face interactions and physical paperwork, is becoming increasingly ...
Real Estate Licensing: Mastering Proctored Exams and Understanding State Reciprocity
Mastering proctored exams and understanding state reciprocity are crucial steps in obtaining a real estate license. Real estate licensing is a critical step in establishing a successful career in the real estate industry. In order to become a ...
10 Essential Tips for Apartment Renters: How to Keep Your Space Clean and Fresh
At The CoBuilders, we recognize the significance of maintaining a clean and fresh living environment in your apartment. Whether you're transitioning into a new rental or striving to enhance your current living situation, the cleanliness of your space ...
Safe Surfing: Protecting Seniors from Online Scammers
As seniors embrace the digital age and connect with loved ones, explore new interests, and manage finances online, it's essential to prioritize online safety and security. Unfortunately, seniors are often targeted by online scammers who seek to ...
The Rise of Cash Home Buyers: What Sellers Should Know
The real estate market has always been a flowing stream of trends and shifts, but one phenomenon catching the eyes of sellers nationwide is the ascending presence of cash home buyers. This group, ranging from individual investors to large-scale ...
Navigating the Fast Sale Market Without Repairs
In the bustling real estate market, the concept of selling a house 'as is' might sound like a shortcut fraught with pitfalls. However, with a smart strategy and a clear understanding of the process, homeowners can navigate the fast sale market ...
What Is Breach of Duty? Legal Definition & Examples
If you're pursuing a personal injury claim, you may be required to prove a 'breach of duty.' This element is crucial in demonstrating negligence on the defendant's part. Not only is it a key factor in negligence cases, but it's also a requirement in ...
Financing a Home Renovation Using Hard Money Loans
Are you embarking on a new remodeling project to turn a fixer-upper into a high-value property? Do you need a flexible, affordable option to support your real estate dreams? We've got you. This article explores financing a home renovation using hard ...
A Beginner’s Guide to Renovating a House
Renovating is one of the best things you can do for your home, especially if you’re an interior freak, but it can be difficult to know where to start. At the same time, renovating can cost a lot, but if done right, it can make all the difference ...
Navigating Financial Recovery: How a Personal Loan for Bankruptcy Can Help
Navigating the path to financial recovery after experiencing bankruptcy can be a daunting journey, filled with uncertainties and challenges. Bankruptcy, often seen as a last resort for individuals overwhelmed by debt, can leave lasting marks on one's ...
Auto Accident Lawsuit Guide (2024)
If you have suffered injuries in an accident where the other party is to blame, you probably are considering filing an accident lawsuit to recover damages.  But you may be unsure of what steps to take when navigating a lawsuit. This article ...
The Link Between Air Brakes and Semi-Truck Fires
The US transport system heavily relies on semi-trucks as a crucial component for transporting goods and services across states and even internationally. However, similar to other vehicles, semi-trucks are not immune to accidents and fire incidents. ...
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a California Car Accident Lawyer
In a California car accident involving two parties, liability will most likely be with either of the two. In rare cases, it may be on a third party.  If you are the victim in an accident, you have a right to compensation from the liable party or ...
The Rights and Obligations of Stepparents During and After Divorce
Divorce can be difficult and emotionally taxing, especially when stepparents are involved who have developed close relationships with their stepchildren. Understanding the rights and obligations of stepparents during and after divorce is essential to ...
Importance of Keeping a Pain Journal after an Accident
Injuries after an accident can be excruciating, long-lasting, and develop over time. The injured party should be able to describe every aspect of their injuries over time to help their case best. While hiring an attorney will help immensely, the ...
Legal Definition and Examples of Property Damage
The items you own are valuable. Hence, you have legal rights against an individual who damages them. You can seek compensation from an individual or entity that negligently or intentionally destroys or damages your property.  It is essential to know ...
Facts to Know About Restraining Orders
Restraining orders, also called protective orders, are a type of order that protects a person(s) and their business from danger. It is the court’s exclusive right to issue a restraining order. A court issues a restraining order when there is a ...
Understanding Breathalyzer and It Works
A breathalyzer, or alcohol breath test, measures an individual's intoxication level. Higher BAC (blood alcohol content) means the individual is intoxicated; the higher the number, the higher the intoxication level. Law enforcement agencies often use ...
Statute of Limitations for Workplace Injury
Texan law obligates employers to ensure a safe work environment for their employees. However, employers do not always uphold this responsibility, leading to numerous workplace accidents.  If you are a workplace injury victim in Houston, you may have ...
Understanding the Difference Between Criminal and Civil Negligence
The term negligence refers to a breach of duty of care. There are two types of negligence: civil and criminal. You are probably familiar with civil negligence as it is often used in civil cases that involve neglect of duty.  So, what does criminal ...
Criminal Law: An Overview
The Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that nearly one in three Americans, around 80 million people, has a criminal record.  However, this doesn't mean that most Americans understand criminal law comprehensively, which is critical when interacting ...
Common Issues in High-Net-Worth Divorces
There is no gainsaying that divorce comes with emotional and psychological distress. The legal proceedings are also contentious, tiring, and complex. The most complicated aspects are child custody and the division of marital assets.  The process is ...
Seatbelts: A Lifesaver or a Risk Taker?
Volvo, the Swedish auto manufacturer, merits commendation for pioneering the invention of the seatbelt back in the 1950s. However, their greatest contribution was not the creation of this safety device itself but their decision to open up the patent ...
7 Ways to Navigate Compensation Claims after a Car Mishap
When you or your loved one are involved in an accident, you must act swiftly to get fair compensation for your losses. You must act quickly because of the statute of limitations, which ranges from two to seven years in the United States.  Once the ...
The Impact of Unemployment on Marriage: Why Job Loss Increases the Risk of Divorce
Unemployment is a difficult situation that may affect many parts of a person's life. For married couples, it can be a significant strain on their relationship. The loss of a job can trigger various emotions and create significant financial stress, ...
What to Expect During a Personal Injury Case
Imagine you are enjoying a calm drive on a bright sunny day when a speeding car suddenly rear-ends you. This incident interrupts your otherwise well-aligned day, potentially causing injuries, disrupting your plans, and can lead to overwhelming ...
What Type of Regulations Do Truck Drivers Face?
Truck drivers play a crucial role in the supply chain, keeping the economy chugging along. While their work is essential, there's no denying that trucks can cause serious damage, injuries, or even death, when accidents occur.  That's why state and ...
How Long Does a Divorce Take?
Divorce can have a physical, emotional, and psychological toll on the parties affected. It also can come with a high financial cost, especially if it is highly contested or drags on in court.  Most people prefer to go through the process as fast as ...
Familiarizing Yourself with Important Terms Associated with Personal Injury Cases
Federal and state laws in all fifty states in the United States protect against personal injury incidents. Also, the laws allow victims to recover compensation for damages and obtain justice even from big corporations. Thanks to the provisions of the ...
How to Support Elderly Loved Ones Facing Mental Health Challenges
As loved ones age, both physical and mental health considerations become increasingly important. However, the stigma around mental health issues can prevent the elderly from getting the support they need. As a caregiver or family member, ...